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Friday, September 21, 2012

Managing Life

Let me tell you about my Uncle George. He was my father's little brother, and the general family understanding was that my dad taught him everything he ever knew. Of course, Uncle George went on to get his doctorate, and teach in several colleges, and write a few books on business management. He didn't invent the concept, but he is known for developing a classic business management style, Management By Objectives.
Oh, THAT George Odiorne!
Now, most of you are saying Huh? or Who cares? But many business managers (including one up at Post University- hi, Don!) are nodding wisely.
So when I see these political candidates vaunting their experience as businesspeople as qualifications for public office, I think of my Uncle George and feel uncomfortable. See, he never wanted any positions of leadership. The one time he was coerced into being dean of a business school, he couldn't wait until he could step down. He never forgot that he came out of a large working-class family where his father had to struggle to find work and his mother talked about escaping from poverty in Ireland. His approach to management was not top-down autocratic direction. It was collaborative and based on setting realistic goals with your co-workers.
For many business managers today, the bottom line is, well, the bottom line. Either ignore what can be done reasonably based on who and what you have, or set unrealistic goals and blame others if they are not reached. There is no sense of cooperation or compromise, as is so necessary in the public sphere. The watchword is damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!
Of course, a lot of things in the public sector can't be judged on profitability or "success," whatever that means. When was the last time a police department worried about whether or not they made a profit? And their definition of "success" has more to do with catching criminals than making a buck. Of course, there have been shameful examples of fire departments watching a house burn because someone hadn't paid their bill, but most firefighters are focused on saving lives and property, not money.
Some elected officials are so enwrapped in their own agendae that they cannot find a way to work together with others who do not agree with every jot and tittle of said agenda, Rather than seeking an objective which can be agreed upon, with a realistic timeline, they want what they want, no more no less. Yes, they can sound quite reasonable and even pleasant about it. But they still offer only two options: take it or leave it!
I can only wonder how Uncle George would have reacted. I think I know. Back when he was still teaching, he was on a campus where the security people patrolled on horseback during the summer. Unfortunately, the campus had few trees and it could get quite hot there. One of the few shady spots was just under the window of Uncle George's office, and inasmuch as he needed to keep the window open during the summer, the smell got a bit much. Finally, he went down and talked to the security guards: would it be possible to put the horses  elsewhere? Certainly, they said, but where. Over by the administration building, Uncle George suggested, they'll never notice the difference in the smell.

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